We are happy to announce that the University of Pisa will host the first edition of the Course European Health Law and Biotechnology, a course held by the Department of Law in cooperation with the Department of Information Engineering.
The Winter School is part of the three-year Module “European Health Law and Technology”, awarded in the framework of the Call for proposals 2020 – EAC-A02-2019-JMO, under the Jean Monnet Activities of the Erasmus+ Programme.
The Course will be offered ONLINE, on Microsoft Teams Platform, from the 15th to the 19th of February 2021. Three academic credits (in accordance with the European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS) will be awarded upon successful completion of the Course, which requires the attendance of at least 90% of classes and a final presentation. The Course will be taught in English.
Technological innovation in healthcare needs to conform to a complex normative matrix. In both legal and scientific education, it is essential to convey the importance of a cross-disciplinary approach, and introduce the students to the most relevant competences in this field. This course—designed as an experiment in cross-fertilization between Law and Biomedical Engineering—offers a substantive introduction to these competences.
Participants will earn an understanding of the process of development, testing, marketing and diffusion of bioengineered health care applications within a European legal framework.
In particular, the skills obtained in design and counseling will enable them to:
(i) reduce liability risks, ensure compliance with relevant regulations, standards, and extant RRI requirements;
(ii) embed fundamental rights protection and social acceptance considerations throughout the development process from research to application;
(iii) adopt risk management and IPRs protection strategies.
Participants will join small cross-disciplinary teams. Each team will be assigned a case study, based on the issues faced by researchers and professionals in the development of biomedical devices. With the assistance of tutors, team members shall identify and discuss the technical, legal and ethical features of design specifications, and come up with solutions as much as possible built in the application. The final examination will consist of the presentation of the project.
The Course is limited to a maximum 30 participants and it will be activated with a minimum of 15.
Young professionals, Master’s degree students, PhD researchers with a background in Law or Bioengineering are welcome to submit their application by 22 January 2021, exclusively online: APPLY HERE
Academic Staff: V. Calderai, C. De Maria (coordinators), C. Angiolini, I. Chiesa, L. Di Pietro, F. Episcopo, T. Favaro, G. Fortunato, M. E. Lippi, E. Palmerini, G. Vozzi.